Even though Washington, D.C. resident Reed Sandridge was recently laid off from his job at one of the District's many nonprofit agencies, he has not lost touch with the need to give back.
He wanted to stay true to what his mother always told him—that when you're going through tough times, that's when you most need to give back.
Beginning last December, the 36-year-old began a Year of Giving project. Every day he walks around Washington trying to convince a different person to take $10 from him, GNN.com reports.
He hopes that through his efforts, his sense of altruism will be contagious. According to his website, about 16 percent of recipients of Sandridge's money have, in turn, donated the cash to someone else.
Since he began his Year of Giving project, Sandridge has handed over $1,260 to 126 people he met on sidewalks and coffee shops.
"I never envisioned that it would turn into what it has," Sandridge told the news source. "I'm really no longer in control of it anymore."
Aside from gaining satisfaction by giving back to his community, the traveling philanthropist says his project has allowed him to meet and connect with his Washington neighbors.
Well done Zohra. I didn't expect these things from you. You are becoming Ms unpredictable. Great work and well done...
Thanku sir jee. Aap key comments ka hee intezar tha. I will take ur comments of not expecting great things and unpredictability as compliments although i can read between the lines :)Thanku and be ready to help me. You dont have any other option. Good day!
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