Young professional Pakistanis, have so much less to share, experience and learn when it comes to seeing the world from a step ahead of what is presented to us in print and electronic media. Reason is simple. We are accustomed to go by the book from our initial childhood years and unfortunately, the book in literal meaning as well as the mentors, have very less to share about the changes in real world. How many of us have the opportunity of being guided to read or listen about various causes, creative innovations and change makers during our years as student? I see parents, sp those that are professionals scanning up to date schools and end up appreciating schools that tend to celebrate Muslim and 'international' festivals, including the utterly useless festival of Halloween. But how many of them question if the school management have ever have opted to celebrate change makers, arranged awareness campaign for various causes, how many of the students know about grameen, how many have ever been told that people in Africa die of malaria, how many of the Internet savvy kids have been directed to visit UN Volunteering or Bankers without Borders websites, how many of the parents have encouraged the spirit of charity?
It is for this reason that I feel that children are growing up nowadays with loads and loads of information and exposure but lack depth. They are handicapped before the words of book when it comes to critical analysis, exposure of real world issues, their role in the society/ family/ community, their priorities and unfortunately the concept of being content.
I was moved by reading a story of one of very young graduate who spend three days with family in Africa on Dollar 2 per day. How many of us know about it. Her experience changed her views/ perception towards life. It not about knowing the pains of poverty but its about sharing the bliss of being blessed and satisfied.
If the process of awareness and exposure starts earlier it helps in grooming of an individual and a balanced society. Its a loss to see parents treating a child like delicate glassware, self centred instead of making the child strong and encouraging responsibility sharing towards community and society.
I do wish that parents understand and question the their own attitude towards life and the attitude being made part of their child's personality by these expensive 'branded' schools.
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