“Conceit is the weirdest disease in the world. It makes everyone sick except the one who has it.”
It is now confirmed that the present government of Pakistan and the higher ups (esp. Chief Minister gigit baltistan and elected representatives) have fallen victim to the disease known as 'Conceit'.
Symptoms: It is a contagious disease that spreads by eyeing for power, handshakes with people in power and ignoring people without power. The patient suffers from memory loss and self denial from his own statements, desires to listen to music of misstated self-praise, addicted to gaining attention through false statements at press conferences, loves to move around uselessly under brigade of protocol, steals resources from national en chequer due to physchological disorder and evades all duties assigned.
Moment of self respect:
I am genuinely proud to belong from Hunza. Not for the sake of some identity crisis but today the courageous people of hunza showed that they are different, utterly refusing to accept charity from conceit stricken politicians and ministers who loomed above in their helicopters like bats and then shamelessly announcing that there is nothing but their 'moral' support for devastated families and flood prone area.
This is the reward that the land of hunza gets for presenting the ownership of their land to Pakistan after fighting off off dogra, after sacrificing lives in 1965 and 1971 wars and their red sacrifice for Kargil (not to mention when the NLI soldiers were left alone upfront to fight while other brigade 'chickened out'). The land which generates gold and silver through tourism and fruits is not entitled to compensation because PM announces that there is economy faces financial crunch?? What about millions spend on SUV, protocol, helicopter safari rides and perquisites? I am disgusted to see how indecisive and incomprehensible the PM is to even think of coming to hunza to announce such an absurd statement.
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Villagers blast govt's response to Hunza flood
All this was enough to boil the blood when the 'dethroned and self proclaimed' Rani of Hunza jumps in the scene like mowla-jutt to show support and launch a protest campaign, sitting in Islamabad. Also giving a hilarious statement calling for 'whatever' commission for inquiry!!
Just to remind that Hunza is not asking for charity (sick idea of Bait-ul-Maal chief of distributing rice biryani and equally attention seeking PM to inaugurate the 'daigh' by cutting a ribbon, so what is next a chicken inauguration ceremony). People need compensation, land for themselves and some infrastructure support. Hunza people can handle the rest!
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